Beyond Consciousness

Monday, 29 September 2014

Legends of the Ancient Giants (VIDEO)

Legends throughout the world have spoken of a race of giants that once walked the Earth. The Holy Bible speaks about the offspring of “the sons of God and the daughters of man”, indicating that angels who desired earthly pleasures impregnated the women of human origin. It is believed by some that these were the Nephilim, theorized to be gigantic in stature. Arguments have risen in the theological community for centuries as to what the Nephilim were, or if they were indeed the giants that seemed to be described. However, what cannot be argued is that Judeo/Christian doctrines are not the only ones who speak of a giant human species.

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare  children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of  renown.”  ~ Genesis 6:4.

Before the Bible was even conceived of, there were oral histories passed down from generation to generation in Sumer (Mesopotamia), Greece, Rome, Egypt, as well as others. Many of these legends speak of powerful gods and goddesses that were larger than life. History has relegated these legends to the “myth” status, and they are not seen as actual historical accounts. However, it is noteworthy that there were many, many of these legends all over the world at one point. How did so many different cultures who had nothing to do with each other end up with such similar stories of earlier times?

Legends of Giants and the Native Americans

Giants appear in many other legends, including those of people indigenous to what is now the United States (more often known as Native Americans).

Nations that inhabited the Northeastern and Southwestern parts of the country often spoke of a race of “red haired” giants. One of these legends includes that of the Paiute tribe that was predominant in the southwest area of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. The legend says the giants (also known as “Si-Te-Cah”) existed before the tribe migrated there thousands of years ago. Si-Te-Cah means “tule eaters” which is a plant that grows underwater. These giants were said to be twelve feet in stature with flaming bright red hair, and are generally described as menacing.

It was said that all the tribes of the area stood together against these giants and chased them into a cave. The giants refused to leave the safety of the cave, so the Paiutes along with the other tribes, set the cave on fire. The cave then collapsed during an earthquake, sealing the entrance shut.

Interestingly enough, when the area was mined for fertilizing materials there were several fossils discovered in the early 1920's. Along with those fossils were the well preserved human like skeletons, one male and one female. The female was over six feet tall and the male was over eight feet.

Along with the discovery of the skeletons, there were many other artifacts found including a circular calender that had the number of days and weeks of a year etched into it.

8 to 10 Foot Tall Skeletons! In 1931, two more skeletons were discovered in Lockport Nevada that measured from eight to ten feet tall.

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