Beyond Consciousness

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Awake From Your Slumber

Welcome!  Do you know who you are?  Do you know what you are?  Did you know there’s a reason you have sought information like this out?  Your soul is speaking to you.  Who you really are is trying to express itself and break free of the bonds imposed on it.  It is that little voice from within whispering to you in your most peaceful moments trying to direct you to your true calling.  It is your intuition, your guide, your soul.  All you have to do is listen.  It’s that simple. 

Are you happy right now?  Are you doing something you truly love?  Is your life what you have always dreamed it would be?  Why not?  Were you told to stop dreaming and face reality?  Were you told your dreams were unrealistic and impossible for you to achieve?  Do you remember as a child how it was to be so happy just using your imagination, and sometimes, be so happy for no reason at all?  Why did you stop?  Were the beliefs of others imposed on you?  Did they tell you to smarten up, life simply doesn’t work that way?  What if I told you they were wrong? 

Has it been gnawing at you?  Is there a feeling that comes from deep within telling you it’s not supposed to be like this?  Are there things you always wished you could do, but this imposed life got in the way?  Worrying about bills?  Worrying about what needs to be done because there simply isn’t enough time in the day?  What if I told you you could let it all go having the life you always wanted, but were told you could never have?  Is your mind telling you that’s just too good to be true?  What does your soul tell you?  What does our heart tell you?  When was the last time you even listened to them? 

It’s time.  You have sought out information like this and similar to this because you are drawn to it.  You might not be consciously aware that you are, but there is a part within you that is.  You listened to it, possibly for the first time in years, and that’s why you are reading right now.  You attracted it to yourself, and it was attracted to you.  Why?  How?  Because deep down, you wanted it.  The true you is waking up.  The true you has had enough.  The true you that is a part of infinite joy, infinite possibilities, and infinite creation wants you to become what you are meant to be.  You know what that is.  Deep down, you know.  You always have and you always will.  Are you ready to embrace it? 

What do you truly desire?  Do you know?  Have you focused on it?  Are you passionate about it?  Take a moment.  What is it that you want?  Focus on it right now.  Realize how it makes you feel.  Embrace that feeling.  Allow yourself to just enjoy what you are feeling.  Shut out the doubts, quiet your mind and just feel.  The infinite is speaking to you through your soul.  All you have to do is listen.  All you have to do is be in the now.  Embrace it and awaken what has been dormant for so long.  The power is within you.  It flow through you because you are a part of it and it is a part of you. 

Know that I love you and welcome to my new blog.

Blessed be.  

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