Beyond Consciousness

Monday, 29 September 2014

Gut Bacteria can Directly Affect Anxiety, Behavior and Emotional Health! 4 Tips to Balance your Gut from a Holistic Therapist.

By: Meghan Toups. MS

When treating those with anxiety, my clients and I work together to help balance different aspects of life: body, mind and spirit.  Science is showing us that cultivating good digestive health is a crucial piece of the treatment puzzle. Research is showing that the bacteria in your gut can directly affect your behavior and emotions…. This might be surprising for many, however it’s a critical, and often overlooked factor in treating anxiety. Healing and restoring balance to one’s digestive tract, ideally with the help of an integrative medical doctor can make a huge difference in symptoms. Your digestive tract can be damaged by chronic stress, medication use and exposure to foods that aren’t great for your body (to name a few). Many factors besides poor digestive health may contribute to your symptoms.  Maybe you’re in an unhealthy relationship, suffer from low self-esteem, struggle with panic attacks, or worry needlessly about little things.  No matter what the issues that are contributing to your anxiety, experiencing it can leave you feeling isolated, scared and mentally exhausted. When it comes to treating emotional distress, utilizing multiple agents of change is the most beneficial way to experience relief. For example, when treating anxiety, it’s extremely beneficial not only to receive therapy, but also to change your diet, exercise, patterns of self-talk, methods of self-care and introduce relaxation techniques.  Working on balancing your gut flora can be a very healing addition to the aforementioned therapies. While research is still emerging, science is supporting the idea that your gut bacteria affects your emotional health. Dr. Michael Gershon first brought this groundbreaking science to the public with his lab studies with rodents. He was first prompted to study the connection because of his interest in serotonin; 90% of our serotonin is produced and manufactured in the gut! He wrote, The Second Brain, which describes the role of the digestive tract in regulating emotional health and decision making.

Some fascinating research has been conducted to further this idea. Researchers swapped the bacteria in anxious mice and fearless mice by changing diet, adding antibiotics or adding probiotics. They found that the timid mice actually started taking more risks and acting more gregarious and the opposite also happened: the fearless mice acted more timid. In a 2013 study published in Gastroenterology, researchers studied the effects of probiotics in humans. After 4 weeks of ingesting probiotics, they scanned the brains of each participant. The researchers found subtle signs that the brain circuits involved in anxiety were less reactive.

But, how do the brain and the gut communicate? The brain and the gut are in constant communication via the vagus nerve, a large nerve that connects the two. The concept of “gut feeling” and butterflies in your stomach is actually a real thing! In a study conducted in Ireland, researchers found that when the vagus nerve was cut in mice, they no longer saw the brain respond based on changes to the rodent’s gut flora.  Scientists have also begun to study certain neurochemicals that have not been described before being produced by certain bacteria, thus suggesting that gut microbes can produce their own version of neurotransmitters. This is another way that gut microbes may communicate with the brain. Pretty fascinating, right?!

Wondering how to nourish your digestive tract? Here are 4 tips.

1.)    Start eating more and more WHOLE foods. Limit processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Choose fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, and lean proteins.  Check out this article from Dr. Mark Hyman on the subject. Start with small changes. Choose a sweet potato instead of fries, eat half of your dessert rather than the whole plate, or order an open faced sandwich. Changes should feel do-able, not overwhelming and anxiety producing!

2.)    Increase your body/food awareness. Notice how you feel after eating. Take note of fatigue, bloating, anxiety, gas, reflux or any other symptoms that you might be experiencing. This will allow you to start mapping patterns and become aware of what foods might be troublesome for you. If you continually eat foods that don’t react well to your body, it can damage your delicate digestive lining and balance of good bacteria.  Log your findings for at least a week.

3.)    Eat foods rich in probiotics. This can include yogurt, kefir, fermented foods and sauerkraut.

4.)    Reduce Stress. Stress can damage your very thin digestive lining. Practice relaxation techniques, meditate, use positive self-talk and engage in activities that bring joy. Managing stress will help you to heal from the inside out and also reduce anxiety symptoms.

Most of all, if you are struggling with anxiety, reach out for help from a therapist who specializes in anxiety or your doctor. Relief from symptoms is possible! Wishing you the best of health,

Legends of the Ancient Giants (VIDEO)

Legends throughout the world have spoken of a race of giants that once walked the Earth. The Holy Bible speaks about the offspring of “the sons of God and the daughters of man”, indicating that angels who desired earthly pleasures impregnated the women of human origin. It is believed by some that these were the Nephilim, theorized to be gigantic in stature. Arguments have risen in the theological community for centuries as to what the Nephilim were, or if they were indeed the giants that seemed to be described. However, what cannot be argued is that Judeo/Christian doctrines are not the only ones who speak of a giant human species.

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare  children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of  renown.”  ~ Genesis 6:4.

Before the Bible was even conceived of, there were oral histories passed down from generation to generation in Sumer (Mesopotamia), Greece, Rome, Egypt, as well as others. Many of these legends speak of powerful gods and goddesses that were larger than life. History has relegated these legends to the “myth” status, and they are not seen as actual historical accounts. However, it is noteworthy that there were many, many of these legends all over the world at one point. How did so many different cultures who had nothing to do with each other end up with such similar stories of earlier times?

Legends of Giants and the Native Americans

Giants appear in many other legends, including those of people indigenous to what is now the United States (more often known as Native Americans).

Nations that inhabited the Northeastern and Southwestern parts of the country often spoke of a race of “red haired” giants. One of these legends includes that of the Paiute tribe that was predominant in the southwest area of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. The legend says the giants (also known as “Si-Te-Cah”) existed before the tribe migrated there thousands of years ago. Si-Te-Cah means “tule eaters” which is a plant that grows underwater. These giants were said to be twelve feet in stature with flaming bright red hair, and are generally described as menacing.

It was said that all the tribes of the area stood together against these giants and chased them into a cave. The giants refused to leave the safety of the cave, so the Paiutes along with the other tribes, set the cave on fire. The cave then collapsed during an earthquake, sealing the entrance shut.

Interestingly enough, when the area was mined for fertilizing materials there were several fossils discovered in the early 1920's. Along with those fossils were the well preserved human like skeletons, one male and one female. The female was over six feet tall and the male was over eight feet.

Along with the discovery of the skeletons, there were many other artifacts found including a circular calender that had the number of days and weeks of a year etched into it.

8 to 10 Foot Tall Skeletons! In 1931, two more skeletons were discovered in Lockport Nevada that measured from eight to ten feet tall.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure of Infinity FULL MOVIE 1080p

Following on from the information covered in Zero Point : Volume I - Messages from the Past, Volume II - The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandlebrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself. The existence of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths featured in Vol I are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality. Only by re-examining what we think we know can we pave the way for a future of prosperity based on the ideas and scientific discoveries touched upon in this film. Dedicated to the expansion of the perceptions of possibility I give you Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure of Infinity

Monday, 22 September 2014

Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past

Zero Point: Volume I - Messages from the Past. A full length independent documentary compilation from Vivid Pictures. This is the first volume of a three part series due out this year, consisting of excerpts from freely available information found online . Volume I - Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, the film focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance. Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future. It seems we are approaching a point in time known as the singularity, what does it all mean? How does it connect to Precession?We are missing a huge chunk of our history that could pave the way for a prosperous future, firstly we have to convince the masses that we are not the culmination of our culture, that we share a unique bond with the universe that cannot be understood until we grasp the practicalities of how certain monuments were constructed, why they were constructed and the message encoded in their construction. Going beyond the material we must also gain an understanding of ancient divinatory systems and how they can give us an insight into the physics of time itself, if time was the landscape that the ancients mapped then what were they trying to tell us?Be in little doubt, the message IS for us and we need to pay attention, for your consideration i give you Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past

Saturday, 20 September 2014

David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video!

Did the founding fathers of America inherit this prophecy -- and encode it directly into the Great Seal of the United States? Why is there a pyramid with an eye inside a glowing triangle? Is Novus Ordo Seclorum quoted from an ancient prophecy text -- the greatest and most secret treasure of the Roman Empire -- predicting that humans on Earth will transmute into "light beings" and achieve Apotheosis -- where Man becomes God -- and the 'Gods' themselves return?

David Wilcock reveals the stunning scientific proof that DNA and biological life emerge directly out of the Source Field... a universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness -- and we are indeed about to experience the Greatest Moment of All Time. Learn about the pineal gland, Illuminati, government conspiracy, UFOs, DMT, the Mayan Calendar and more!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/2 - Coral Castle, Saturn, Crystals, 369, Magnetism, Bible Codes, Numerology

Solving ancient mysteries Part 6 (2nd Segment). "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

This Episode deals with topics such as Coral Castle, Saturn, Hexagonal Vortex, Cymatics, Eddy Currents, Crystals / Crystalline Structures, Electromagnetic Fields, Eric Dollard, Ionization, Astronomical Alignments, Polaris, 369, Nikola Tesla, Dimensions, Magnetism, Prime Quadruplets, Astronomy, Alignments, Diameter of Sun & Moon, Speed of Light, Bible Codes, Kabbala, Sinewaves, Time, Tree of Life, Numerology, Symbology, Solar Eclipse, Time, Cymatics, Sacred Geometry, Consciousness, Deep Words of Wisdom.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Pyramid Power

The most celebrated pyramids are those at Giza, built during the fourth dynasty, of which the largest is the one that housed the pharaoh Khufu, better known as Cheops. This is now called the Great Pyramid.

Some years ago it was visited by a French hardware store owner and author named Antoine Bovis. It is said that Bovis took refuge from the midday sun in the pharaoh’s chamber, which is situated in the centre of the pyramid, exactly one third of the way up the base. He found it unusually humid there, but what really surprised him were the garbage cans that contained, among the usual tourist litter, the bodies of a cat and some small desert animals that had wandered into the pyramid and died there. Despite the humidity, none of them had decayed but just dried out like mummies. He began to wonder whether the pharaohs had really been so carefully embalmed by their subjects after all, or whether there was something about the pyramids themselves that preserved bodies in a mummified condition.

Bovis made an accurate scale model of the Cheops pyramid and placed it, like the original, with the base lines facing precisely north-south and east-west. Inside the model, one third of the way up, he put a dead cat. It became mummified, and he concluded that the pyramid promoted rapid dehydration. Reports of this discovery attracted the attention of Karel Drbal, a radio engineer in Prague, who repeated the experiment with several dead animals and concluded, “There is a relation between the shape of the space inside the pyramid and the physical, chemical, and biological processes going on inside the space. By using suitable forms and shapes, we should be able to make processes occur faster or delay them.”

Drbal remembered an old superstition which claimed that a razor left in the light of the moon became blunted. He tried putting one under his model pyramid, but nothing happened, so he went on shaving with until it was blunt, and then put it back in the pyramid. It became sharp again. Getting a good razor blade was difficult in many Eastern European countries at the time, so Drbal tried to patent and market his discovery. The patent office in Prague refused to consider it until their chief scientist had tried building a model himself and found that it worked. So the Cheops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener was registered in 1959 under the Czechoslovakian Republic Patent No. 91304, and a factory soon began to turn out miniature cardboard pyramids. During the 1970s they made them in Styrofoam.

The edge of a razor blade has a crystal structure. Crystals are almost alive, in that they grow by reproducing themselves. When a blade becomes blunted, some of the crystals on the edge, where they are only one layer thick, are rubbed off. Theoretically, there is no reason why they should not replace themselves in time. Sunlight has a field that points in all directions, but sunlight reflected from an object such as the moon is partly polarised, vibrating mostly in one direction. This could conceivably destroy the edge of a blade left in moonlight, but it does not explain the reverse action of the pyramid. It can be surmised that the Great Pyramid and its little imitations act as lenses that focus energy or as resonators that collect energy, which encourages crystal growth. The pyramid shape itself is very much like that of a crystal of magnetite, so it may build up a magnetic field. Author Lyall Watson kept a Wilkinson Sword blade sharp, for 4 months of continuous daily use, using a miniature pyramid.

A model pyramid can be made using the following method:

Cut four pieces of heavy cardboard into isosceles triangles with the proportion base to sides of 15.7 to 14.94. Tape these together so that the pyramid stands exactly 10.0 of the same units high. Orient it precisely so that the base lines face magnetic north-south and east-west. Make a stand 3.33 units high and place it directly under the apex of the pyramid to hold your objects. The sharp edges of the blade should face east and west. Keep the whole thing away from electrical devices.

In 1968 a team of scientists from the United States and from Ein Shams University in Cairo began a million-dollar project to X-ray the pyramid of Chephren, successor to Cheops. They hoped to find new vaults hidden in the six million tons of stone by placing detectors in a chamber at its base and measuring the amount of cosmic ray penetration, the theory being that more rays would come through hollow areas. The recorders ran twenty-four hours a day for more than a year until, in early 1969, the latest (at the time), IBM 1130, computer was delivered to the university for analysis of the tapes. Six months later the scientists had to admit defeat: the pyramid made no sense at all. Tapes recorded with the same equipment from the same point on successive days showed totally different cosmic-ray patterns. The leader of the project, Amr Gohed, in an interview afterward said, “This is scientifically impossible. Call it what you will – occultism, the curse of the pharaohs, sorcery, or magic, there is some force that defies the laws of science at work in the pyramid.”

Jules Green of the Psychical Research Society experimented with flowers. Taking four roses, he placed two under pyramids, one under a cube, and one in the open air. He did the same with four tulips. After a week, the flowers exposed to the air had withered, while the others were still fresh. The roses and tulips in the pyramids, however, had actually grown.

Not surprisingly, people experience enhanced effects when meditating beneath pyramids. Changes in the meditator’s aura (electromagnetic field) have been noted with Kirlian photography – auras become brighter and larger. Meditators report deeper relaxation, an enhanced sense of well-being, and increased levels of awareness. The positive energy flow in the pyramid facilitates deeper focus. A pyramid aids meditation because it focuses harmonious energy while deflecting distracting energies. People meditating in a pyramid regularly have received strong spiritual and psychic impressions, as well as enhanced dreams and visions, vivid visual imagery, and increased memory recall.

Experiments have shown copper to be the best metal for an open-frame meditation pyramid, due to its natural electronic and bio-enhancing properties. However, pyramid structures of cardboard, wood or bamboo are also effective, if built to the same proportional dimensions as the Great Pyramid.

Pyramids have also been found to:

Restore the lustre to tarnished jewellery and coins
Purify water
Mummify and dehydrate meat, eggs and other food stuffs
Help keep milk fresh and prevent souring without refrigeration
Dehydrate flowers without losing their form or colour
Increase the growth rate of plants
Help attain increased relaxation
Improves the taste of coffee, wine and certain fruit juices
Promotes healing of cuts, bruises and burns, as well as reduces pain from toothaches and headaches.

Ancient Knowledge Pt.6/1 - Number 9 Code, Vortex Based Math, Flower of Life, Fibonacci, Time, 432Hz

Solving ancient mysteries Part 6 (1st Segment). "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

This Episode deals with topics such as The Number 9 Code Mystery, Vortex Based Math, 360 Degree Circle, Flower of Life, Fibonacci Sequence, Time, Digital Root Method, Coral Castle, Crystals / Crystalline Rock Structures, Sun Analemma, Torah / Bible Number Codes, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Pythagoras, 432Hz, Eric Dollard, Astrology, 144, Magnetism, Hexagonal Vortex, Saturn Northpole , Cubes, Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, Geometrical Shapes / Patterns, Sound, Light, Diameter of Planets, Sun, Moon and more.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Consciousness Revolution

By Graham Hancock

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savour tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, the most sapient, the most personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way but the nature of that association is far from clear. In particular how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences?

Professor David Chalmers of the Australian National University has dubbed this the “hard problem” of consciousness; but many scientists, particularly those (still in the majority) who are philosophically inclined to believe that all phenomena can be reduced to material interactions, deny that any problem exists. To them it seems self-evident that physical processes within the stuff of the brain produce consciousness rather in the way that a generator produces electricity – i.e. consciousness is an “epiphenomenon” of brain activity. And they see it as equally obvious that there cannot be such things as conscious survival of death or out-of-body experiences since both consciousness and experience are confined to the brain and must die when the brain dies.

Yet other scientists with equally impressive credentials are not so sure and are increasingly willing to consider a very different analogy – namely that the relationship of consciousness to the brain may be less like the relationship of the generator to the electricity it produces and more like the relationship of the TV signal to the TV set. In that case when the TV set is destroyed – dead – the signal still continues. Nothing in the present state of knowledge of neuroscience rules this revolutionary possibility out. True, if you damage certain areas of the brain certain areas of consciousness are compromised, but this does not prove that those areas of the brain generate the relevant areas of consciousness. If you were to damage certain areas of your TV set the picture would deteriorate or vanish but the TV signal would remain intact.

We are, in other words, confronted by at least as much mystery as fact around the subject of consciousness and this being the case we should remember that what seems obvious and self-evident to one generation may not seem at all obvious or self-evident to the next. For hundreds of years it was obvious and self-evident to the greatest human minds that the sun moved around the earth – one need only look to the sky, they said, to see the truth of this proposition. Indeed those who maintained the revolutionary view that the earth moved around the sun faced the Inquisition and death by burning at the stake. Yet as it turned out the revolutionaries were right and orthodoxy was terribly, ridiculously wrong.

The same may well prove to be true with the mystery of consciousness. Yes, it does seem obvious and self-evident that the brain produces it (the generator analogy), but this is a deduction from incomplete data and categorically NOT yet an established and irrefutable fact. New discoveries may force materialist science to rescind this theory in favour of something more like the TV analogy in which the brain comes to be understood as a transceiver rather than as a generator of consciousness and in which consciousness is recognized as fundamentally “non-local” in nature – perhaps even as one of the basic driving forces of the universe. At the very least we should withhold judgment on this “hard problem” until more evidence is in and view with suspicion those who hold dogmatic and ideological views about the nature of consciousness.

It’s at this point that the whole seemingly academic issue becomes intensely political and current because modern technological society idealises and is monopolistically focused on only one state of consciousness – the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that makes us efficient producers and consumers of material goods and services. At the same time our society seeks to police and control a wide range of other “altered” states of consciousness on the basis of the unproven proposition that consciousness is generated by the brain.

I refer here to the so-called “war on drugs” which is really better understood as a war on consciousness and which maintains, supposedly in the interests of society, that we as adults do not have the right or maturity to make sovereign decisions about our own consciousness and about the states of consciousness we wish to explore and embrace. This extraordinary imposition on adult cognitive liberty is justified by the idea that our brain activity, disturbed by drugs, will adversely impact our behaviour towards others. Yet anyone who pauses to think seriously for even a moment must realize that we already have adequate laws that govern adverse behaviour towards others and that the real purpose of the “war on drugs” must therefore be to bear down on consciousness itself.

Confirmation that this is so came from the last British Labour government. It declared that its drug policy would be based on scientific evidence yet in 2009 it sacked Professor David Nutt, Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, for stating the simple statistical fact that cannabis is less dangerous (in terms of measured “harms”) than tobacco and alcohol and that ecstasy is less dangerous than horse-riding. Clearly what was at play here were ideological issues of great importance to the powers that be. And this is an ideology that sticks stubbornly in place regardless of changes in the complexion of the government of the day. The present Conservative-Liberal coalition remains just as adamant in its enforcement of the so-called war on drugs as its Labour predecessor, and continues in the name of this “war” to pour public money – our money – into large, armed, drug-enforcement bureaucracies which are entitled to break down our doors at dead of night, invade our homes, ruin our reputations and put us behind bars.

All of this, we have been persuaded, is in our own interests. Yet if we as adults are not free to make sovereign decisions – right or wrong – about our own consciousness, that most intimate, that most sapient, that most personal part of ourselves, then in what useful sense can we be said to be free at all? And how are we to begin to take real and meaningful responsibility for all the other aspects of our lives when our governments seek to disenfranchise us from this most fundamental of all human rights and responsibilities?

In this connection it is interesting to note that our society has no objection to altering consciousness per se. On the contrary many consciousness-altering drugs, such as Prozac, Seroxat, Ritalin and alcohol, are either massively over-prescribed or freely available today, and make huge fortunes for their manufacturers, but remain entirely legal despite causing obvious harms. Could this be because such legal drugs do not alter consciousness in ways that threaten the monopolistic dominance of the alert problem-solving state of consciousness, while a good number of illegal drugs, such as cannabis, LSD, DMT and psilocybin, do?

There is a revolution in the making here, and what is at stake transcends the case for cognitive liberty as an essential and inalienable adult human right. If it turns out that the brain is not a generator but a transceiver of consciousness then we must consider some little-known scientific research that points to a seemingly outlandish possibility, namely that a particular category of illegal drugs, the hallucinogens such as LSD, DMT and psilocybin, may alter the receiver wavelength of the brain and allow us to gain contact with intelligent non-material entities, “light beings”, “spirits”, “machine elves” (as Terence McKenna called them) – perhaps even the inhabitants of other dimensions. This possibility is regarded as plain fact by shamans in hunter-gatherer societies who for thousands of years have made use of visionary plants and fungi to enter and interact with what they construe as the “spirit world”. Intriguingly it was also specifically envisaged by Dr Rick Strassman, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico, following his ground-breaking research with human volunteers and DMT carried out in the 1990’s – a project that produced findings with shattering implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. For further information on Strassman’s revolutionary work see his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule.


Did the Ancient Egyptians have advanced scientific knowledge unknown to us?  Is this how the Great Pyramid was built and how other objects they produced that defy explanation in the conventional sense were made? Levitation has for many years been suggested as a way that would raise the heavy limestone and granite blocks used to build the pyramid.  Is there any evidence that this was used either from historical records or recent scientific experiments? 

Let us first look at some historical records.  Masoudi, an Arab historian of the 10th century wrote that the Egyptians used magic spells to move large blocks.  His account is the following:

"In carrying on the work, leaves of papyrus, or paper, inscribed with certain characters, were placed under the stones prepared in the quarries; and upon being struck, the blocks were moved at each time the distance of a bowshot (which would be a little over 200 feet), and so by degrees arrived at the pyramids."

Was this story made up by Masoudi, or is there some truth in it?  Is it possibly that he was reporting on an early legend that the blocks were moved mysteriously and the story of the inscribed papyrus was added to embellish the story?  Or were the blocks placed on some unknown apparatus (mistaken by the historian to be a piece of papyrus) that would levitate them.  If you strip away all the additions and embellishments to a legend, sometimes you are left with a strand of truth.

There are many other legends of construction of temples, buildings, etc. that used mysterious or magical means to lift blocks.  These stories abound in Mayan and Greek legends and even in the Bible.  In the opposite sense, the walls of Jericho were brought down by marching around the walls, the blowing of trumpets, and shouting.  Maybe to be funny, we could call this downward Levitation.

In modern times, there have been many reports by travelers to the east (India, Tibet, China, etc.) that holy men or ascetics have the ability to levitate objects.  Again, could this have been produced by slight of hand, imagination, or suggestion?  It appears that there are too many of these stories by reliable witnesses to dismiss the possibility that these holy men developed some sort of ability to levitate objects.  More recently, followers of Maharish Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation) have claimed through a specific program of training and discipline to be able to levitate.  They are working on scientific confirmation of these results.  

Through out history levitation has been associated with either mysterious objects, some type of sonic vibrations, and sometimes electrical effects.  This really has a modern scientific ring to it.  We know that the effects of sound, harmonics, vibration, etc. can produce some modest levitation.   

There are some interesting stories in the 19th century.  One is of John Keely who lived in Pennsylvania.  He claimed to have been able to levitate metal balls and other objects.  One interesting note is that he also claimed to be able to disintegrate granite.  Granite contains quartz, which is a crystal, and by causing the quartz to resonate at an extreme rate, it would cause the granite to break up or disintegrate.    This rings a bell with some of the research and speculation that the granite in the King's Chamber and the possibility of it producing piezoelectric effects.  To continue, it is reported that he would produce the effect by making his objects with a combination of copper, gold, platinum, and silver.  To produce the levitation, he would blow on his trumpet a sustained note. He actually went as far to almost produce his apparatus for commercial sales, but he had arguments with his backers and he destroyed his notes. 

Another story involves Edward Leedskalnin, who at his home in Florida, built a castle entirely from large blocks of coral weighing  between 20 to 30 tons.  The total castle was composed of blocks totaling some 1,100 tons and it took him 28 years to complete.  He claims to have done it all by himself.  He never has revealed his secret and took it to the grave.  Chris Dunn has investigated this and calls it the "Coral Castle Mystery".  Chris suggests that Leedskalnin had discovered some means of locally reversing the effects of gravity.  He speculates that he generated a radio signal that caused the coral to vibrate at its resonant frequency, and then used an electromagnetic field to flip the magnetic poles of the atoms so they were in opposition to the earth's magnetic field. 

More recently, Tom Danley, an acoustics engineer,  has developed an acoustic levitation device, that can levitate small objects.  The 1991 Patent of the device reads:

"An acoustic levitator includes a pair of opposed sound  sources which have interfering sound waves producing acoustic energy wells in which an object may be levitated.  The phase of one sound source may be changed relative to the other in order to move the object along an axis between the sound sources."

Tom Danley also became interested in the Great Pyramid.  Here is an extract from his interview in FATE magazine in 1998.

"In the Great Cheops Pyramid in the King's Chamber an F-sharp chord is resident, sometimes below the range of human hearing.  Former NASA consultant Tom Danley feels the sound may be caused by wind blowing cross the ends of the air shafts and causing a pop-bottle effect.  These vibrations, some ranging as low a 9 hertz down to 0.5 hertz, are enhanced by the dimensions of the Pyramid, as well as the King's Chamber and the sarcophagus case inside.  According to Danley, even the type of stone was selected to enhance these vibrations."

In a 1997 video, JJ Hurtak said "this chord (F-sharp) is the harmonic of planet Earth to which native Americans still tune their instruments, and is in perfect harmony with the human body."  

In the Great Pyramid these sounds are infrasonic vibrations,  meaning they are below the level of human hearing.

Chris Dunn proposes that the source of these infrasonic vibrations come from the earth itself, magnified by the acoustic properties of the Great Pyramid.  Boris Said related to Art Bell the following:  that the granite blocks forming the floor of the King's Chamber were sitting on corrugated support blocks, which would cause minimal distortion to their ability to resonant.  

Paul Horn, using a Korg tuner,  found that when he struck the coffer it registered the note A with a frequency of 440 cps.  Dunn also discovered that when he struck the coffer it registered with a frequency of 438 cps and that the entire chamber was designed to amplify and resonate that frequency and octaves thereof.   Dunn's matrix tuner was inferior to Horn's Korg tuner, and his 438 was close enough to Horn's 440.  This has been confirmed by other researchers.

Another researcher, John Reid, an acoustic engineer stated that while he was lying in the coffer and vocalizing various tones he was staggered by the intensity of the reflected energy.  He said "the effect of lying in the sarcophagus while toning its prime resonant frequency is almost like taking a bath.  Waves of sonic energy wash over your body almost like water".  

It does not appear that all  this was accidental or incorporated for a ritual.  It must have had a more important purpose.  We agree with Dunn that these acoustic properties were deliberately built into the Great Pyramid in order to create a resonant chamber.  Dunn also feels that this formed part of an energy plant (see Chris Dunn's research in our research section for more details).

Does this mean that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to do sonic levitation?  At this time, all we can say is that from basic principles of sonic levitation,  the structural design of the pyramid (especially the King's Chamber), and recent research in levitation - the possibility is there.  Much more research needs to be done but this is an area that needs to be pursued. 



Giza The Truth, Ian Lawton and Chris Ogilvie-Herald, 1999.

The Giza Power Plant, Christopher Dunn, 1998.

Ancient Knowledge Pt.5 - Energy, Coral Castle, Tablet of Shamash, Saturn, Magnetism & Mythology

Solving ancient mysteries Part 5. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

This Episode deals with highly controversial topics that might be very confusing to some viewers. Nikola Tesla, Energy, Coral Castle, Tablet of Shamash, Planet Saturn, Hexagonal Vortex Feature on Northpole, Magnetism, Coded Media, Hurricane Sandy, Winterstorm Athena, Giants, Nephilim, Mythology and much more.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

How Meditation Can Change the World

In 1974 it was discovered in 11 cities in the USA that when the number of people participating in the Transcendental Meditation Programme reached one per cent of the city population the trend of rising crime rate was reversed, indicating increasing order and harmony in the life of the whole city. The research scientists named this phenomenon of rising coherence in the collective consciousness of the whole society through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme the Maharishi Effect in honour of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who predicted this effect as early as 1960. Research involving several hundred other cities subsequently replicated this original finding.

As Maharishi explains the mechanics of this effect, during the practice of Transcendental Meditation individuals experience and enliven the field of Transcendental Consciousness—the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law. When a sufficient number of individuals enliven this field, then through a ‘Field Effect’ of consciousness (the Maharishi Effect) an influence of orderliness and harmony is radiated from the level of the Unified Field of Natural Law to the whole population.

The Maharishi Effect: Increased Coherence in Collective Consciousness through the Practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique 

  • Improved Quality of City Life 
  • Decreased Crime Rate (Vol. 1: 98, Cities, USA, 1973; Vol. 2: 166, Suburban Communities, USA, 1974–1976; Vol. 4: 318, Cities, USA, 1973–1977; Vol. 4: 319, Cities, USA, 1975–1976; Vol. 4: 320 and Vol. 5: 402, Cities, USA, 1972–1978, and Metropolitan Areas, USA, 1973–1979) 
  • Decreased Suicide Rate (Vol. 4: 317, Cities, USA, 1973–1977) Decreased Automobile Accident Rate (Vol. 4: 317, Cities, USA, 1973–1977) 
  • Cessation of Attack on a Community and Protection from Ongoing Armed Conflict in the Surrounding Area (Vol. 4: 331, Baskinta, Lebanon, 1982–1984)


Ancient Knowledge Pt.4.5 Scientific & Historical Misconceptions, Suppression & Manipulation of Info

Solving ancient mysteries. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

Scientific Misconceptions / Misperceptions, Suppressed History, Darwin's Errors, Manipulation of Information, Consciousness.

Ancient Knowledge Pt.4 The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle

Solving ancient mysteries Part 4. Coral Castle is a lime stone monument that sits in "Homestead" Florida. The builder of Coral Castle "Edward Leedskalnin" claimed to know the secrets of the ancient builders and he proved it by building coral castle. The secret is magnetism and anti-gravity. He built a magnetic device to nullify or heavily reduce the weight of those enormous stones, so he could easily set them into place, if not levitate them. He left clues for us, and we can also find these same clues / symbology in the Norman Hall (Grand Masonic Lodge) in Philadelphia. The secrets of magnetism are encoded in the artwork designs. The freemasons have kept these secrets forever, but the times of secrecy are now over. The global awakening has begun and we need to rewrite our history books. They're not telling the truth. Wake to this fact.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Ancient Knowledge Pt.3 - Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines (Earth's Energy Grid)

Solving ancient mysteries Part 3. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolize unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to decode this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists don't know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.

The pyramids are proof, that a more advanced civilization once existed on earth. And i know how crazy it is to claim that our history books are lying and not telling the truth, yet all the evidence points to this conclusion, im just wondering how even Michael Jackson was aware of all that. He tried to warn us, but most of us failed to listen, like always.

Wake up and stay tuned for Part 4, including very rare and suppressed evidence.

Ancient Sightings / Sites, Machu Picchu, Giza, Easter Island, Cuzco, Saqsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, Peru, Stonehenge, Nasca, Mexico, Mayan, Aztecs, Yonaguni site off the okinawa coast japan, Underwater pyramids.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Ancient Knowledge Pt.2 Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God

Solving ancient mysteries Part 2. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolize unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to decode this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists don't know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Ancient Knowledge Pt.1 Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality

Solving ancient mysteries Part 1. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.

Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.

Monday, 8 September 2014

You Are One With The Universal Mind

There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - the Universal Mind. It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present. As it is present everywhere at the same time, it follows that it must also be present in you - that it is you. Your mind is part of the one Universal Mind. This is not simply a philosophical ideal passed down to us through the ages. It is an exact scientific truth. Know it, believe it, apply it and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.

Albert Einstein told us that "everything is energy"; that "a human being is a part of the whole called by us [the] Universe". His words echoed the most ancient of spiritual and philosophical teachings and still underpin today's cutting-edge scientific discoveries. The Universal Mind goes by many names. In the scientific world we know of the Unified Field, in spiritual philosophy we refer to The All or Universal Consciousness and in religion we call upon God who Himself goes by many names - Jehovah, Allah and Brahman to mention but a few. The name is relevant only in so far as it resonates with you.

Whichever way you cut it, you come to this one unavoidable conclusion: there is but One Consciousness of which your consciousness must be a part and "a part", as Charles Haanel said, "must be the same in kind and quality as the whole, the only difference being one of degree".

The nature of the Universal Mind is Omniscience (all knowing), Omnipotence (all powerful), Omnificence (all creative) and Omnipresence (always present). Know that this too is your nature. You have access to all knowledge, known and unknown; you have access to an infinite power for which nothing is impossible; you have access to the limitless creativity of the One Creator. All these attributes are present within you at all times in their potential form.

It is up to you to know and act upon your own nature. The inscription on the Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi left no room for misunderstanding: "Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the universe". It is through the power of your subconscious mind and your higher self that you can learn to align yourself with the Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnificence of the Universal Mind at all times.

Each and every one of us is a manifestation of this single Universal Consciousness. There is profound truth in the ancient teaching that we are all One. We are all connected - not only to each other but to all of Nature and to everything in the Universe. This is the Law of One. What you do to others, you do to yourself. The way you treat Nature, you in fact treat yourself. The separateness you "see" is an illusion of the personality ego. The true nature of reality is non-dualistic, meaning that while things may appear distinct, they are not separate.

You are able to create your ideal reality because you are already connected to everything you want. Nothing and no one is separate from you. You can experience happiness, true love, perfect health, abundance, wealth and anything else you intend. All you have to do is bring yourself into vibrational harmony with the nature of that which you want to experience through the creative power of your thoughts. To become the master of your destiny, you must master your thoughts.

In a nutshell, there is a single Consciousness, the Universal Mind, which pervades the entire Universe. It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present everywhere at the same time. Your consciousness is part of it - it is It. All is One. You are connected to everything and every one. You are already connected what you want. To the degree that you truly comprehend and internalise this Truth, you will be able to become the master of your mind and the director of your life.

Guided Meditation 3D Sound 1000's Of I AM Affirmations

Go deep into the sense of ‘I am’ and you will find. How do you find a thing you have mislaid or forgotten? You keep it in your mind until you recall it. The sense of being, of ‘I am’ is the first to emerge. Ask yourself whence it comes or just watch it quietly. When the mind stays in the ‘I am’, without moving, you enter a state, which cannot be verbalized, but which can be experienced. All you need to do is to try and try again. After all the sense of ‘I am’ is always with you, only you have attached all kinds of things to it- body, feelings, thoughts, ideas, possessions and so on. All these self-identifications are misleading, because of these you take yourself to be what you are not -Nisargadatta Maharaj

Lift The Veil

"In our usual state of consciousness we stay submerged in the multitude of forms and shapes. In this state of consciousness we play the scenario of the film of our life. We look around and see objects that are desirable to us, we wish to possess them, and we also see objects that scare us and we want to stay away from those. We are carried away by the colourful, noisy and scented whirling of life, and we fully abandon ourselves in this whirlpool. In this ”troubled,” mind-dominated state our identity is determined by the beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings whirling in us, everything we have learnt in the course of our life. That is how the Miracle of Consciousness has sunk into oblivion, and it is now covered with the grey veil of ordinariness. " ~Frank M. Wanderer

Saturday, 6 September 2014

The Infinite Spark of Being

›≻ Metatron’s cube
“Symmetry (from Greek συμμετρεῖν symmetría “measure together”) generally conveys two primary meanings. The first is an imprecise sense of harmonious or aesthetically pleasing proportionality and balance; such that it reflects beauty or perfection. The second meaning is a precise and well-defined concept of balance or “patterned self-similarity” that can be demonstrated or proved according to the rules of a formal system: by geometry, through physics or otherwise.Although the meanings are distinguishable in some contexts, both meanings of “symmetry” are related and discussed in parallel.”

›≻ "Cube" Hexahedron
The matrix of Light in the body of form, this geometric is a quaternary of the “Foundation Stone” embedded in the principle of earth as a nesting of the human experience within the spiritual/physical universe. The cube gematria conforms to all things which are spatially equal in their parts (metaphorically and symbolically as well as physically). It therefore sets the standard of inserting Spirit into form in perfect equilibrium. The Central Core of the Cube - this is the “Light Zone” where all forces of the complete geometric unite and become a living flame of the Greater Universe. It is this core that connects the “Foundation” on earth to the “Foundation” in heaven. The outer edges of the planes of the cube serve to ground the “flame” into the realm of substantiation.

›≻ Octahedron
An Air-form recognizing the interdimensionality of the spiritual/physical system.
The Octahedron goes beyond the three physical dimensions, tunneling into the fourth. It is a vehicle of time travel, of past and future co-existing with the present. The Octahedron creates a matrix for a reality in which the principle law is as follows: present is the visible point (or motion) where the past and future planes of symmetry unite. The Octahedron is also representative of the solar energies streaming from the “Atana” (solar sun) to the “Atoma” (central sun of earth). The Octahedron is the “Golden Key” to uniting all parts of the time continuum existing within the cosmic/human heart.

›≻ Icosahedron
An energy grid of the water crystal and a matrix for transmutation of both etheric and physical properties through the fluid flow of nature. The icosa is one of the major grid formations of the earth’s energy-wave crystals. It’s free-movement synthesis with the tides of life imbue this living form with the gematria of source-bonding–the strong pull of sentience toward source-conceptual reality. “Source-conceptual reality” is the realm of unconscious connection and response to the “source” of its conception. Such sentience is not extremely out-reaching in creative forms that do not perpetuate its original source-signature, and thus is not easily transformed into universal sub-systems. However, it is very mutable with source-based flow, and in this way, develops its fluid and conductive states of perpetuation.

›≻ "Star" Tetrahedran
A ternary, light-phased to the Divine Fire infusing the spiritualized mind of the soul. This geometric pattern is attuned to things of dimension and realization through the uniting of esoteric intelligence and exoteric action. It serves as the connection between that which is envisioned and that which is accomplished. Its power flow is from above (the zenith) to below (the nadir), through the three Divine Creation Signals or Tetramorphs, which are a trinity of Elohim-command posts stationed with the greater geometric crystalline matrices of the universal domain.

The tetrahedron serves as the first pillar in the spiritual temple and is a vehicle of higher Light manifestation into the matter plane. The Zenith of the Tetrahedron: the point of dynamic potential; the supernal node toward which the axial motion of events is being propelled. The Nadir of the Tetrahedron: from this line is issued the passive quality. Herein lies the unseen quotient of the subordinate factors. The Outer Edges (along the plain of the base): the balance of the holistic medium. These points contain the energetic nodes of the phases of transition which surface into the material realm as a result of the spiritual dynamics of the whole medium.

›≻ Dodecahedron
The embodiment of the sacred Aether–that etheric presence which supercedes all formation on the matter plane, creating an intelligent blueprint beyond space, time and even its own parameters of dimension. Wherever the dodeca abides in the elemental state, it carries the charge of the Aether through all points of its physical structure and into whatever medium with which it is interacting. Like the Icosahedron, the Dodecahedron is a major energy system for the planetary energy body. The Universal Hierarchies access the planetary grids of elementally-structured worlds through the sacred dodeca. Through the symmetric fields of the dodecahedron, angelic harmonics are spiraled down from the stellar kingdoms into the earth’s heart, and sent upward again to re-connect with the “Living Lights” of the star-worlds. This is the path of astro-chemical irradiation that seeds the very Spirit of the planet with is co-creative role in the universe. 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

THE FIRST UNIVERSAL TRUTH: You are the creator of your reality

 By Michael Brown
 In this article Michael Brown explores
the first of the five universal truths in his novel
Finding the Field: an adventure of body, mind and spirit.Source website is

You are entirely the creator of your reality. Not just partly—all of it. You create it with your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

At first, that seems outrageous, offensive or laughable, because we can instantly point to events that look beyond our control—our birth circumstances, our illnesses, our accidents, our oppressors, and that earthquake or hurricane that killed so many. And of course if we were to count only our present or recent conscious thoughts, then the first truth really would be nonsense. No one says to themselves, “I think it’s time I got mugged.”

So let me say the first universal truth more accurately. At mostly subconscious levels—starting before birth and fuelled by the accumulated gestalt of thoughts, feelings and beliefs that were once conscious—you create it all: every event, detail and nuance of your life.

Before birth you choose the highway; during life you choose the lanes. One highway; a million lanes.

Your highway is your fixed life parameters: parents, country, skin colour and so on, but also some pre-set milestones: a particular partner, a devastating illness, a great good fortune. You choose your lanes in every second of your waking life—with your thoughts. Your thoughts accumulate and become potent beliefs, the most powerful operating at subconscious levels and affecting your next choice. Little wonder that when something unpleasant happens, we think life has ‘done it to us’.

You are a part of the great Consciousness. You are a god-fragment who has deliberately forgotten your wholeness so that your adventures can be real. The day you live this truth and take conscious control of your thoughts is the day you declare your freedom and begin your mastery of life.

It’s also the day you cease to be a victim.

The first truth defies the laws of traditional science. But modern scientists, hunting for the fundamental building blocks of the universe, are discovering other laws. Here’s one: both the existence and the behaviour of subatomic particles depend on what is going on in the mind of the scientist. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s not a misprint and it’s not fringe science; it has been replicated many times.

The implications are stunning. As one science commentator put it, “Physicists these days are battling insanity.”

Traditional science assumes that consciousness arises from physical objects. In fact it’s the reverse, which Hindu teachers have known for more than 3,000 years. And the Buddha put it this way: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”

Imagine a herd of horses, grazing in a field, a few in the sunlight, but most in the shadows of the nearby forest. Let the herd represent your accumulated thoughts, feelings and, above all, your beliefs, which have more power over your life than a hurricane. You raised every horse, feeding them thoughts in the stable of your mind, never knowing what powerful creatures they would become after they slipped quietly into the shadows. And the most powerful of all are completely in the dark—your invisible beliefs.”

Now you might ask, how can a belief be invisible? Surely if it’s a belief, you must be aware of it.

But that’s only true of your weakest beliefs. If you think that… then, yes, you’re aware of a low-power belief. If you believe that… then you’re aware of a belief with more power to direct your choices. However, if youknow that… you see it as the truth and fail to recognize a potent belief that shapes your life. If you know that eating animals incurs karmic debt, you avoid the butcher. If you know that teenagers are trouble, you create parenting problems. If you know you will lose your faculties as you age, it is the knowing, not the age, that damages you.

And the most powerful of all your beliefs is the simplest: the assumption-belief. That’s a certainty so deep it seems nonsense to question it. Countless millions are steeped in assumption-beliefs that make their lives a misery. And yet all beliefs began with the accumulation of your thoughts. Many of those thoughts began before your birth, creating the highway of your life. The rest—those that determine which lanes you travel in that highway—are thoughts that you hold or once held in this lifetime.

Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you are probably right.”

Listen to this story from the Sioux Indian campfires.

     An old man and his grandson are sitting by the fire outside the tepee, wrapped in furs and gazing into the leaping flames. High on a snowy ridge, a wolf howls at the moon and another answers from far away. Soon after, the old man removes the pipe from his mouth.
     ‘Grandson,’ he says. ‘There are two wolves inside you. One is white and the other is black.’
     ‘What are they doing there, Grandfather?’ asks the wide-eyed boy.
     ‘They are fighting each other,’ says the old man.
     The boy considers this, then asks, ‘Why are they white and black?’
     ‘The white one is your love, your peace and your truth. The black one is your fear, your anger and your lies.’
     The fire crackles and sparks flare in the night. The wolf on the ridge howls again and the old man puffs contentedly on his pipe.
     Finally, the boy says, ‘Which one will win, Grandfather?’
     ‘Ah,’ says the old man, removing the pipe once more. ‘The one that wins is the one that you feed.’

Stop blaming your upbringing, the government, your boss, fate or fortune, God or the devil. Externalizing cause is a habit masters of life abandon as self-defeating.

And sickening.

Yes, even your physical health is caused by your accumulation of subconscious beliefs. Which can be terribly difficult to accept—because it suggests that if you catch, say, leukaemia, it’s your fault!  But the word is not fault, it is cause. No blame or judgement is appropriate because your most potent beliefs grow in your shadows and your mind usually has no idea of its own potent powers.

You might ask what specific thought, feeling or belief could cause a specific illness. But that would be like asking for a river with many tributaries to come from one spring. It’s only safe to assume that persistent thoughts like I am powerless and I am a victim—compounded by suppressed emotions like anger, hatred, and fear—will inevitably express themselves in your body. It too is your creation.

What you think becomes you, what you feel follows you, what you believe builds around you.

But perhaps you are wondering: if we get what we focus on, why do we get so much of what we don’t want? That’s because we often focus most passionately on what we don’t want, and our personal universe always grants our greatest passions. That is so important to understand. Always ‘yes’. So if you wish for a million dollars but despair at your poverty, which of those two passions will manifest?

Here’s the most painfully destructive level of creation-belief. That you’renot the creator of your life, but a victim of circumstance. You blame your condition on something other than yourself: God, the stars, fate, birth, parents, lovers, the government, accidents, sickness, the police. You never stood a chance. You are inherently worthless. You are a victim and life is a torment.

Is that you?

If not, try the next level, more evolved: you are sometimes the creator of your life. You can influence some events, but mostly, external forces are too strong to fight. You blame most of your condition on something other than yourself. You take some responsibility for what happens to you. You have some worth, some potential. Life is a struggle with a few highlights.

Is that you?

Here’s the next level: you are mostly the creator of your life. You can influence most events, though sometimes external forces are too great. You take responsibility for most of your actions. You spend little time blaming others for painful events. You are a worthwhile person with faults. You have a lot of potential. Life is an interesting and often enjoyable challenge.

Is that you?

If not, then try this one. The master level of creation-belief is that you areentirely the creator of your life. You are part of the great field of Consciousness—that Being which has many adventures and many faces, including yours. You do not see your Earth character as you, but as your work of art. Your every thought, attitude and action is your choice. You are fully responsible, not only for your creations but for your response to your creations. You never blame or judge others for your experiences. Your inherent worth and potential are vast. Life is an exciting, sometimes surprising, sometimes painful, yet joyous adventure.

Is that you?

Do you see the great irony here? Whatever level of creation-belief you hold you will create the conditions that appear to prove you right. What you believe will be manifest around you.

That is the potency of the first universal truth.

I was once told by my mother—many children get this lecture—not to behave as if the whole universe revolved around me. In fact, it does. Or rather, my universe does. And so does yours. Literally. As quantum physics is beginning to discover, there are an infinite number of universes. Your consciousness projects yours around you, creating all that you know and experience. You are a butterfly in a bubble of your making. Your bubble overlaps with the bubbles of others.

Every direction you head in—body, mind and spirit, and every event and detail—is your creation. You are surrounded by your own finely spun thought, plucking every last detail from the great field of Consciousness.

Become a master. See life not only as your creation, but as your mirror.